Monday 6 June 2016

A whole year....

So, its been a whole year since the cat arrived in our garden. She has gone from a timid cat who bolted every time we shut the door to one that will happily snooze on the bed for hours on end ! I remember it being a cold last week of May - not dissimilar to this year in fact ! - it was school holiday week, I had seen her hanging around for a good 3 weeks before I fed her. She was skinny and scruffy and had terribly bad eyes. I went shopping and brought cat food and fed her while the kids were at their dads. She stayed out mostly but Teen 2 coaxed her in gradually. Because she was so scared every time we went to close the door she got scared, but it was soooo bloody cold with the door open we were wrapped in blankets haha the things you do eh?!! One particular night it was so cold and wet and windy I didn't have the heart to make her go outside. I was so scared there would be a little surprise in the morning but much to my delight, all was clean 😊

This is the first photo I took on the first night I let her stay in overnight

Who'd have thought a year later she'd be still here?! We tried to find her owner, advertising on lost and found sites but to no avail so she has stayed with us.  She had terribly weepy eyes when she first arrived which I had to administer eye drops for, not an easy task I can tell you on a timid cat, (Thank you Cats Protection for paying for her vet fees, they were grateful I'd taken her in and was feeding her as there was no room at the inn so to speak) but I persevered and they soon cleared up.

She has certainly made herself at home over the year....

Lovin' the Christmas tree ! 


Bless her, she is such a lovely cat, not trouble at all, well unless you count her sometimes waking me up at 5am, 6.30 and again at 7.30am !! No wonder she looked so confused when I was going to bed at 5am the other morning hahaha. 

We love you dearly Maggie Cat xxxx

Thanks for reading

Toodlepip for now Doodlebugs xx

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