Wednesday 22 June 2016

Getting a better view....

So, I walked into the lounge to see the cat like this

She is obviously trying to get a better view of the birds in the garden!! Things they get up to when they think you aren't watching eh?! Teen 2 said she'd like to strap a camera to her to see what she gets up to when we're not about and also to see where she wanders off to when she has "gone for a walk". 

Anyway here are a few picks of the flowers now they are starting to bloom

Taken on a clearly more sunny day than today haha

Hopefully the buds on the fuchsias will start to open if we ever get more than one day of sunshine. What is going on with our weather this year?! Monday heavy rain, Tuesday nice and sunny, today showery. I would just like it to be consistent, not necessarily 80 degrees, just nice enough to wear shorts and a t-shirt for more than one day in a row. The grass desperately needs cutting but it's just too soggy. I don't know about you but to rubbish weather just makes me want to curl up, eat and read a book. (See my previous post about what's on my kindle)

Toddle pip for now doodlebugs xx

Tuesday 21 June 2016

What's on my Kindle........?

So, where have I been and what have I been up to? Yup, you guessed it from the title, I've been reading. 

My friends and I went to see "Me before You" at the cinema the other weekend which meant I just had to read the book again. Yes I had previously read it quite a while ago and couldn't wait to see the film when I heard that it was being made into a film. However, before I could read it again I had to finish the book I was already reading.

The last book I read (before re-reading Me before You) was called The Secret of Happy Ever After by Lucy Dillon. This was the third book I read by Lucy and they were all part of the Longhampton Series. This was the only one I'd read for the first time. It was good but not quite as good as the other two but I can't take anything away from it, it was a nice easy read.

The first one I read of the series was called A Hundred Pieces of Me. This was the second time I'd read it and I have to say it was as good as the first time.  It is a very inspiring book although it is also sad. If you have never read it, I would truly recommend it. I do not want to give too much of the storyline away but if you want me to do a proper review let me know 😊

The second one of the series I read, well I say series, they aren't really a follow on, just set in the same place and a couple of the characters appear briefly in this one that did in the first.  This was called One Small Act of Kindness. Again a heartwarming book which kept me reading for the second time.  Again don't want to give too much away but let me know if you want more details.

So, then onto Me before You.  Well, what can I say? The second time of reading was as good as the first.  Was the film true to the book? Yes it was, although there was a lot missed out of the film and after reading the book again, I realised how much more I enjoyed the book. I would still recommend seeing the film though.  Some people are film watchers, I am a book reader who enjoys watching films. Maybe it's because reading gives me a chance to step away from real life, use my imagination to picture all the characters and the settings. Take me away to a world so far beyond my own life.  That might sound poncy, but sometimes I need to be taken away from the struggles of being a single parent. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of highs that also go along with it, but a lot of the time it is a struggle and a worry. No one to share things with, good or bad, but the best for all of us.

Anyway, if you want me to write more of a review about the books or anything I've read recently please let me know.  I have read a lot of books ! Mostly easy to read chic-ish books, I don't want anything too heavy keeping me awake at night 😀 I also re read books, not straight away but after a few months or even a year. I do this if I have really enjoyed something, or I need to read but funds are too tight at that moment to buy a book.  Does anyone else do this? A friend of mine says she never re reads a book.

I have to admit, I am a kindle person. I used to read real books, but having the option of on demand reading, being able to have a load of books in one little device and  that you don't have to go to the shop to get the book, is really appealing and I'd say my kindle is one of the best things I have ever treated myself too. In fact I have two ! One is an old paper white type one before they did them with a back light. This is great for reading in the garden as you can read it in the sun as the pages are like paper, it's very clever.  I then treated myself to a kindle fire when they came out, well, probably about a year after they came out when they went down in price.

So, I feel I have kept you long enough and I'm sorry if I have bored you !

See you later Doodlebugs xx

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Dishwashergate..... !!!

I was having a chat with a few ladies on Twitter after one of them tweeted about how her kids never clear the table or load this dishwasher.  It appears that it wasn't only her house, but mine and a couple of others also. I'm also sure there are lots more of you out there who also have the same problem when it comes to kids loading the dishwasher or clearing the table. Mine slope off as soon as we have all finished, although I have finally achieved getting them to take their plates to the side next to the dishwasher. You'd think this was an easy task, but no !

The chat got me thinking about my two teens and how easy they have it really. I guess you could call me a softy as I think kids should be kids and enjoy their childhood without having to do too many chores - I'll probably get blasted for that but hey ho ! However, as they are now getting older I don't think loading the dishwasher and clearing the table is too much to ask. I have to add that Teen 1's job on a Monday when he isn't at college is to unload the dishwasher and on a couple occasions has actually unloaded it on a day when he hasn't been asked, you could've blew me down I was so shocked but also very happy. It is taking a long time to drum into him that it is nice to do things for others without being asked and to be thoughtful of others and how they might feel  (unfortunately he doesn't take after my side of the family for being thoughtful of others, luckily teen 2 does!) but I am persevering and it is paying off. It's funny how hard it is to change someone's trait or try and influence them into thinking of others. On Monday Teen 1 also hung out the washing, yes you read that correctly, he hung out the washing !!!!! I did ask him, ( in a text when I was at work!) but all the same he hung the washing out !!!

Anyway I digress. So, yesterday after tea, I decided to leave them too it. I got up from the table and said I'm going to sit in the garden, you two can clear the table and load the dishwasher. Well, their faces were a picture. Rather too quick I thought, Teen 1 appeared in the garden. I asked had he put the pans in the dishwasher too -  pans?!!! was his answer.  When I went into the kitchen a bit later, yes the plates and knives and forks were in there but the pans were still on the stove and odd utensils I'd used were still on the side too. 

So, was it on purpose so I don't ask them again? Who knows, it just confirmed the conversation I'd had with the lovely ladies. I know I will have to persevere but as one of them said, sometimes it's easier to do it yourself ! 

Toddlepip doodlebugs xxx

Ps please don't blast me for being a soft touch 😊 xx

Monday 6 June 2016

A whole year....

So, its been a whole year since the cat arrived in our garden. She has gone from a timid cat who bolted every time we shut the door to one that will happily snooze on the bed for hours on end ! I remember it being a cold last week of May - not dissimilar to this year in fact ! - it was school holiday week, I had seen her hanging around for a good 3 weeks before I fed her. She was skinny and scruffy and had terribly bad eyes. I went shopping and brought cat food and fed her while the kids were at their dads. She stayed out mostly but Teen 2 coaxed her in gradually. Because she was so scared every time we went to close the door she got scared, but it was soooo bloody cold with the door open we were wrapped in blankets haha the things you do eh?!! One particular night it was so cold and wet and windy I didn't have the heart to make her go outside. I was so scared there would be a little surprise in the morning but much to my delight, all was clean 😊

This is the first photo I took on the first night I let her stay in overnight

Who'd have thought a year later she'd be still here?! We tried to find her owner, advertising on lost and found sites but to no avail so she has stayed with us.  She had terribly weepy eyes when she first arrived which I had to administer eye drops for, not an easy task I can tell you on a timid cat, (Thank you Cats Protection for paying for her vet fees, they were grateful I'd taken her in and was feeding her as there was no room at the inn so to speak) but I persevered and they soon cleared up.

She has certainly made herself at home over the year....

Lovin' the Christmas tree ! 


Bless her, she is such a lovely cat, not trouble at all, well unless you count her sometimes waking me up at 5am, 6.30 and again at 7.30am !! No wonder she looked so confused when I was going to bed at 5am the other morning hahaha. 

We love you dearly Maggie Cat xxxx

Thanks for reading

Toodlepip for now Doodlebugs xx

Friday 3 June 2016

5 o'clock....... In the morning !!!!!

So, in my last post I said the girls were coming over. We have such a lovely evening, they arrived at about 8pm and I'd made a big jug of Pimms. We sat and chatted and chatted and chatted and ate some nibbles and drank numerous bottles of wine. One minute it was 8pm then it was 11.50pm and then it was 2.50am!!! This was when one of the girls chaps turned up to pick her up. This was the eve I found a new love for Gin, but not the tonic I brought, got a say unfortunately Tesco tonic is not nice. I have since discovered Fever Tree elderflower tonic and also Bottle Green elderflower tonic. I know it is triple the price but why ruin a decent gin with crap tonic haha

At around 4.30am one of the girls said "I can hear the birds waking up, we need to go home" I couldn't believe what time it was. Despite not feeling tired at that moment I can tell you, when my head hit the pillow at 5AM, yes 5AM I was out like a light.  Never in my whole life have I ever been to bed at 5am haha have I had a sheltered life??!!

I just had to take this photo of it getting light when I was going to bed !!

I also took a photo of my new favourite drink !!

Anyway, just wanted to share my latest antics with you all, I'll say toddle pip for now doodlebugs xx

Find me on Twitter @twoteensandacat
Let me know if you want me to do snapchat or Instagram too 😊