Thursday 14 January 2016

24 hours in A&E......

no, not us thankfully, the programme. I just loooove the programme, not because people are desperately ill or have had a serious accident, but because of the fantastic work all those doctors and nurses do. I often wish I had trained in a "useful" job. Yes, I know all jobs are useful in their own way, but something helping people or a midwife or something. I know potentially there is the option to retrain but unfortunately in my circumstances I need to work, I simply could not afford to leave work. This makes me sad but I need to provide for my family so needs must and my job isn't all that bad really, just not really what I planned, if I ever did have a plan, although I do remember wanting to work in an office. I probably still don't really know what I really want to do but then I don't think many of us do. Anyway I'd better leave that subject before I get myself the sack!!
We have all settled back into the work, school, college routine, although I've come to the conclusion that we need to get up earlier. 15 mins, 15 mins, I keep telling myself its only 15 mins but oh my god how difficult is it to get up earlier?! On a positive note, I have made it out of bed earlier since I decided and it has actually made mornings a little less stressful which can only be a good thing. I read an interesting post the other day about how tired single mums get, everyone was saying how true it was and talking about little ones, I still get really tired and I now have teens (and a cat). Yes the teens sleep "through the night" (the damn cat doesn't though !!) however, at least when they are little they can be in bed at 8pm (although it took me a long time to train teen1 to go to sleep when he was little!) and you have a couple of hours downtime which you use to catch up on various jobs etc but there is no mummy, mummy, mummy voice following you around. When they are teens, they go to bed later, in fact, at the moment we all go to bed at the same time ! If I suggest an "early night" you should see the looks I get. So, although it gets a bit easier as they get older, that little bit of time when the kids are in bed disappears. On the cat front, tonight I think I am going to try my friends advice and shut the her in the kitchen and hope for the best. (we have a decent sized kitchen) I need to do something, its like having a baby again. If it was summer I'd let her out but its sooo cold at the moment it feels cruel. She looks at me with disgust when I suggest she goes out - she needs to pee!!
On little voices note, why is it always when you are trying to watch something you really want (& I don't really watch much telly), that they are there, chatting away, even teens. I wanted to watch the Amy Winehouse film the other night and as it was cold I suggested to Teen2 that we watch it in my bed, she wasn't really interested, preferring to watch YouTube videos all the way through it, giving me a running commentary on everything she was watching. In the end I was like, Jesus do you ever stop talking ?!!!??! She laughed and yes you guessed it was quiet for about two minutes before she started again.  I couldn't be cross really, just gave up on the film. Bless her.
Not much else has happened this week, just general everyday goings on. I am looking forward to a rare night out on Saturday, although having 3 nights out in as many weeks doesn't make it sound rare, but like buses, they always come at once. I probably wont have another one for a few months now. Luckily, my parents are having the kids for me as they aren't quite old enough to stay home alone all night until the morning. That sounds bad, I am not really a dirty stop out, but on gig nights I stay at my friends as its easier than trying to get home, especially when they are a little further afield. To explain, gig nights are when we go to watch the band play. That is a story for another time though and I'm looking forward to telling you all about these nights out at some point, especially next Fridays at that should be an epic night !
Well, enough ramblings for one night I think....
Toodlepip Doodlebugs x

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